
Minimizing Ice Accumulation

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

How To Improve Crystal Diffraction with Optimized Cryocooling

Learn How To Improve Crystal Diffraction with Optimized Cryocooling  Crystallography requires good crystals and that they stay good to the end of data collection. Hand cooling your crystals takes time...

Using MiTeGen’s B5-R Reusable Bases at NSLS-II

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Cleaning and Care for MiTeGen’s MicroMounts™, MicroLoops™, MicroMeshes™, MicroGrippers™ and MicroTools™

Cleaning: The best and easiest way to clean MiTeGen's tools is to soak them in a bath of a detergent-containing solution. When mounted in MiTeGen base holders, large quantities of...

Using MicroLoops LDTM

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Using MicromountsTM and MicroLoopsTM for Macromolecular Crystallography

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Using MicroMountsTM and MicroLoopsTM for Small Molecule and Inorganic Crystallography

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Reducing the Mosaicity of Flash Cooled Crystals

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Reducing Background Scatter and Maximizing Diffraction Signal to Noise

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Minimizing Sample Motion in Cold Gas Streams

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Minimizing Sample Motion in Cold Gas Streams

Sample motion in the cold gas stream can be problematic. Sample motion can broaden the apparent mosaicity and corrupt diffraction spot intensities so as to make indexing and refinement difficult.

Dehydrating Crystals Using the MicroRT™ System

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Handling and Mounting Thin Plates

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Handling and Mounting Needle and Rod-Shaped Crystals

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Handling and Mounting Small Crystals

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Maximizing Productivity in Your Crystallography Lab

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Using our Pin Cutters

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Using the MicroRTTMSystem

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.

Using MiTeGen’s Reusable Bases

Mitegen's products are much easier to use and give less background scatter than glass fibers and other mounting tools common in small molecule crystallography.