At MiTeGen, we are responding appropriately to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This includes:
We’ve compiled a list of SARS-CoV-2 resources for researchers and labs. (See Below) This list will be updated on a continuing basis.
We have implemented proper procedures and protocols to ensure continued operations at MiTeGen. We want to assure our customers and partners involved in research that we are here to supply you with the tools and services you need during this critical time.
We give priority order processing and reduced priority shipping rates to researchers and labs that need materials from MiTeGen for work on COVID-19 and the coronavirus. Learn more
SARS-CoV-2 Resource List For Researchers and Labs
The following list contains resources for researchers and labs working on SARS-CoV-2.
If you have any additional resources you believe are relevant please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to provide us with that information.
This list is segmented by:
- Volunteer Opportunities For Researchers and Scientists Through Which They Can Share Their Expertise
- Funding Sources For SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Research
- Crystallization Screening Services
- Instrument - Beamlines - Facility Access (Many have remote access options)
- Computational - Computing - Data Analysis Resources
- Research Support and Resources
- SARS-CoV-2 - Coronavirus Research Papers
- On Going SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 Projects
- Other Interesting Reads
Volunteer Opportunities For Researchers and Scientists Through Which They Can Share Their Expertise
- Post Era - Contribute your expertise to optimize inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease - Design a Compound, They Will Make It (crowd source initiative)
- Crowdfight COVID-19 - An initiative from the scientific community to put all available resources at the service of the fight against COVID-19 (crowd source initiative)
- Scientist Volunteer Form - COVID-19 Pandemic Scientist volunteer form. Put together by Michael F. Wells, PhD
(crowd source initiative) - Columbia University Researchers Against COVID-19 - A hub to connect volunteers at Columbia University labs and research efforts to fight COVID-19 (volunteer effort)
- CoVIC - Contribute antibodies for testing as part of the CoVIC. Antibody contributors will be able to see the performance of their own molecules in the study and also take part in the analysis. Contact (call for contribution)
- Australian Academy of Science - Has setup a COVID-19 database where those with relevant expertise can register and contribute to COVID-19 research (call for contribution)
- COVID-19 Open Structures - Join the Open Structure Initiative to help to accelerate structural understanding of COVID-19. Share your expertise in Modelling, X-Ray Crystallography or Cryo-EM. (call for contribution)
- COVID-19 preclinical drug development database — “This database maps emerging COVID-19 preclinical drug development research across the UK” (call for contribution)
Funding Sources For SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Research
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) - Open call for research and innovation ideas to address COVID-19. UKRI will support (fund) excellent proposals of up to 18 months duration which meet certain criteria (funding source - UK)
- Diabetes UK - Calls for applications that will further the understanding of COVID-19 in relation to people living with diabetes - Deadline is April 20th (funding source - UK)
- COVID-19 Funding Opportunities - Managed by John Hopkins - Includes an extensive list of US government funding opportunities including grant revisions (funding sources - United States)
- UKRI GCRF/Newton Fund — research funds given out for addressing the spread of COVID-19 in developing countries (funding source – UK)
Crystallization Screening Services
- HWI Crystallization Center - HWI High-Throughput Crystallization Screening Center Crystallization screening for COVID-19 related structural work. Rapid, efficient, mail-in screening. (crystallization screening - United States)
- High-Throughput Crystallisation (HTX) Lab - Is offering remote access to fully automated protein to structure pipeline. (crystallization screening - Europe)
Instrument - Beamlines - Facility Access (Many have remote access options)
- NCCAT - Is accepting RAP-c (Rapid Access Proposal) submission for COVID-19 research. This applies to COVID-19 Cryo-EM access. Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis. (cryo-EM instrument access - United States)
- Pacific Northwest Cryo-EM Center (PNCC) - Is offering faster review cycles and high-priority scheduling of microscope time for COVID19 Cryo-EM proposals. (cryo-EM instrument access - United States)
- National CryoEM Facility - Is open for data collection operations in support of COVID related research projects. Submission of unscreened sample grids is available. (cryo-EM instrument access - United States)
- DOE Light Sources - Structural Biology Resources at US DOE Light Sources. Includes NSLS-II, APS, SSRL, ALS, LCLS. Inquire for priority access concerning COVID-19 research. (instrument access - United States)
- GM/CA@APS at the Advanced Photon Source – Expedited, Rapid Access for only remote data collection on SARS CoV-2, COVID-19, or critical proprietary pharmaceutical research. (instrument access - United States)
- SSRL at SLAC - Has an existing rapid access program which can be used for COVID related research. This includes Cryo-em access and Beamline access. (instrument access - United States)
- ALS at LBNL - Apply for beamtime through their RAPIDD mechanism (instrument access - United States)
- IMCA-CAT at Advanced Photon Source - Priority remote access and mail-in for COVID-19 research or critical proprietary pharmaceutical research. Companies need to subscribe to IMCA-CAT for proprietary access. For more information contact Lisa J Keefe, PhD at info@imca-cat.org (instrument access - United States)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - Remote rapid access is available to support research into the COVID-19 virus and the search for effective diagnostics and therapies at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Includes neutron macromolecular crystallography, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, spectroscopy and imaging beamlines. (instrument access - United States)
- NSLS II at Brookhaven National Laboratory - The MX beamlines 17ID-1 (AMX) and 17ID-2 (FMX) are in operation, as well as, 16ID(LIX) to support any research related to COVID-19. For access to remote beam time a rapid access proposal can be submitted by visiting their COVID-19 Rapid Access Form. (instrument access - United States)
- Diamond Light Sources - Urgent proposal call to researchers working on SARS-CoV-2 structures (instrument access - UK)
- Central Laser Facility (CLF) - Inviting rapid access proposals to its Octopus imaging facility for research relevant to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 (instrument access - UK)
- Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) - SLS and SwissFEL - Priority access call for work on combating SARS-CoV-2 (instrument access - Switzerland)
- MAX IV - Offering rapid access for groups who require instrument time for projects directly related to SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins such as Covid-19 related enzyme targets, membrane receptor complexes, antibody complexes etc. (i.e. non-infectious samples). (instrument access - Sweden)
- EMBL Heidelberg - Provides mail-in access to its state-of-the-art cryo-EM equipment for COVID-19-related projects (single-particle analysis and cryo-electron tomography) using the latest technology and methods. For access consideration send a project description to cryo-em@embl.de (instrument access - Germany)
- BESSY II - Fast track access to instruments at BESSY II (instrument access - Germany)
- Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) - Is providing rapid access for research on coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Scientists who want to use neutrons to study the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 or the disease COVID-19 will have special and privileged access to neutron macromolecular crystallography (NMX), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), and neutron spectroscopy. (instrument access - Germany)
- ALBA Synchrotron -A “COVID-19 Rapid Access” call has been established, valid through the year 2020. Quick peer and safety review will be applied to the received proposals (instrument access - Spain)
- Synchrotron SOLEIL - Rapid access for Coronavirus specific research projects via the Rapid Access proposal and evaluation system (instrument access - France)
- ILLGrenoble - For COVID-19 related work access instruments through two venues Director's Discretionary Time, for full experiments and Easy Access, for short measurements (instrument access - France)
- ESRF - Is willing to consider any priority research on Covid-19 that may need the exceptional use of ESRF facilities, including its cryo-electron microscope and its structural biology beamlines, which can be made available exceptionally. (instrument access - France)
- Instruct Centre FR1 - IGBMC Cryo-EM services at the IGBMC are available to determine structures relating to COVID-19 on-the-fly. Samples must be non-infectious (e.g. enzyme targets, capsid, VLP etc.) (instrument access - France)
- Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) - Has set up a dedicated Fast Track Access to a selected number of instruments. This was done to facilitate the research on the SARS-CoV-2 (instrument access - Multiple Locations in Europe)
- LENS initiative - Priority access to several advanced neutron sources are available for research on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (instrument access - Multiple Locations in Europe)
- FragMAX - Offers support for users in all stages of the fragment screening campaign, including sample preparation, data analysis and results export
- CEITEC Masaryk University - Offering priority access, free of charge, to their equipment in shared laboratories including research expertise for research that may lead to the development of a vaccine or drug against COVID-19 (equipment, laboratory access, expertise - Czech Republic)
- Deuteration & Macromolecular Crystallisation (DEMAX) platform at ESS - Is offering prioritized access to laboratory services for scientists and researchers working on COVID-19-related research projects. (services and laboratory access - Sweden)
- German BioImaging - Good practice recommendations for managing microscopy core facilities in a research environment during the COVID19 pandemic (facility management recommendations)
- SPring-8 - Is accepting rapid access proposals for COVID-19 related research using the SPring-8 PX(/MX) beamlines (instrument access - Japan)
- Australian Synchrotron - Rapid Access to MX instruments for SARS-CoV-2 research (instrument access - Australia)
- QUOKKA (Australia) - Small-angle neutron scattering instrument offers rapid, mail-in access (instrument access - Australia)
Computational - Computing - Data Analysis Resources
- CosmicCryoEM - If you are working on structures related to SARS-CoV, CosmicCryoEM is providing computing resources and infrastructure help (computing resources and infrastructure)
- Phenix Team - X-Ray and Cryo-EM data analysis help for structural biologists working on COVID-19 related work (data analysis help)
- CASP - SARS-2-CoV structure modelling initiative to generate and evaluate models for the virus' most challenging proteins and domains (structure modelling)
- Bio-Prodict - Is developing 3DM systems for the SARS-CoV-2 proteins. They will make these systems available free of charge to scientists working on COVID-19. (3DM - Bioinformatics)
- DeepMind - Computational predictions of protein structures associated with COVID-19. Uses the AlphaFold system by releasing structure predictions of several under-studied proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. (structure prediction system)
- The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) - Is welcoming project proposals requesting computing resources to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. (computing resources)
- COVID-19 HPC Consortium - Researchers can submit COVID-19 related research proposals to the consortium via their online portal, which will then be reviewed for matching with computing resources from one of the partner institutions. (computing resources)
- HECBioSim - An online resource featuring up-to-date links for covid19 related research that falls within the biomolecular modelling and simulation umbrella (modelling and simulation)
- CompBioMed - A consortium redirecting research effort and funding to computational investigations that will improve our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19, and accelerate the development of treatment options, including antiviral drugs and vaccines. (computational resources)
Research Support and Resources
- Creative Biolabs - Provides COVID-19 research support and resources for therapeutic antibody discovery, drug candidates screening, and vaccine development services
- Thorn lab - Has assembled a structural biology resource with validation & remodeling for Coronavirus and SARSCoV2 molecules. Learn more about the Thorn Lab (resource page)
- Coronavirus Structural Task Force - A resource for structural biologists, computational modellers as well as members of the public (resource page)
- Outbreak.info - is an open source tool built by Scripps Research with funding from NIH that standardizes and aggregates COVID-19 data. The interface aggregates journal articles, preprints, datasets, clinical trials, protocols, and other resources in one place, standardizing metadata and applying NLP to make these sources searchable and more accessible. The interactive data dashboards allow for quick comparison of countries, states, counties, and metro areas, and includes an API and R Package for researchers who want to access all of the raw data. (resource page)
- Proteopedia - Has published a COVID-19 resource page. This is a "crowdsourced page (made up till now by scientists from Israel, Czech Republic, France & the USA), is of interest to the general public as well as to scientists studying the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic." Source Joel Sussman - Includes potential treatments, video resources on COVID-19 and more. (resource page)
- Diamond Light Source - SARS-CoV-2 resource page for scientist (resource page)
- Diamond Light Source - Main protease structure and XChem fragment screen (resource page)
- Lightsource - Resource page on SARS-CoV-2 (resource page)
- RCSB PDB - COVID-19 resource page at Protein Databank (resource page)
- RCSB PDB-101 - Educational Portal on the Coronavirus (resource page)
- CCDC - COVID-19 Resources at CCDC including the CSD - Cambridge Structural Database (resource page)
- Instruct-ERIC - Resources for COVID-19 research (resource page)
- ERF-AISBL - Lists research infrastructures such as biobanks, synchrotrons, and more - found via the Lens Initiative (resource page)
- Instruct-ERIC - Instruct is offering priority access to structural biology services for research projects related to SARS-CoV-2, to support scientists in their efforts to develop a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19 (research project support)
- Paul Scherrer Institute - Covid-19 pandemic resources including physicists, molecular and structural biologists, chemists and beamline scientists (research support)
- MBL-EBI - Has gathered all the COVID-19 data available in a resources on their new page on the Pathogen Portal (resource page)
- EMBL-EBI COVID-19 Data - Database with all Covid related sequences, proteins (resource page)
- PDBe-KB COVID-19 Data Portal - Features dedicated PDBe-KB pages to highlight important structural features from released PDB entries. These pages include all observed ligand binding sites and protein-protein interaction residues, to help researchers easily identify important structural features to support the development of treatments and vaccines. (resource page)
- UniProt Portal - Provides the latest SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus protein entries and receptors, updated independent of the general UniProt release cycle. (resource page)
- SSGCID - Has plasmids and protein for NSP7, NSP8, NSP9, NSP10, NSP14, NSP15, NSP16, nucleoprotein FL, nucleoprotein RBD. Plasmid available for pfastbac RDRP. (resource page)
- COVID-19 Data Portal — various COVID-19 datasets compiled into one resource (resource page)
- PSI — MX results on “the papain-like protease (PLpro), an essential enzyme of SARS-CoV-2” (resource page)
- COVID-19 Research Explorer — A Google AI “NLU-Powered Tool to Explore COVID-19 Scientific Literature” (resource page)
- Emsembl — A COVID-19 genome browser (resource page)
- Oak Ridge Neutron Facilities — ORNL’s resources on different research strategies for COVID-19 (resource page)
- Coronavirus canSAR — An open-source dynamic, AI-driven database for Coronavirus data (resource page)
- I2PC — “I2PC provides support to structural biologists, helping them to maximize the extraction of biological knowledge from their microscopy images” (resource page)
- 3DBIONOTES-WS — An online application that lets you visualize and automatically annotate biochemical and biomedical info onto protein structures. Can search for entries or submit your own (resource page)
SARS-CoV-2 - Coronavirus Research Papers
- The NIH COVID-19 Portfolio Tool - A resource to analyze COVID-19 literature - Includes text mining tools that help analyze and summarize over 45,000 coronavirus articles and more (literature analysis)
- NYU Lit Covid - Mission is to deliver "concise, standardized, and easy to use breakdowns of the literature related to COVID19". They provide PDF versions of their analysis via Google Drive. (literature analysis)
- Cambridge University Press - Has made all 700 textbooks currently available in HTML format on Cambridge Core free to access until the end of May to assist readers during the Covid-19 outbreak (research papers)
- Cell Press - Cell Press Coronavirus Resource Hub (research papers)
- Elsevier - Novel Coronavirus Information Center (research papers)
- Elsevier - How researchers and educators can obtain full access to COVID-19 research
- Journal of Biological Chemistry - Coronavirus information (research papers)
- Oxford Academic Journals - Coronavirus research access (research papers)
- PNAS - Free collection of coronavirus papers (research papers)
- Sage Publishing - Coronavirus research freely available on all SAGE journals (research papers)
- Science Direct - Research on novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) and related viruses (research papers)
- Taylor & Francis Online - Free access to COVID-19 peer-reviewed research (research papers)
- Wiley - COVID-19 resource hub (research papers)
- Wiley - Free access to COVID-19 research for educators, researchers and professionals
- Nature - Curated list of relevant articles to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 (research papers)
- medRxiv - COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv (research papers)
- Springer Nature - Authors can use their Research Data Support service for COVID-19 data at no cost
- EMPIAR - First entry at EMPIAR containing particles of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. (research papers)
- IDR - First entry at IDR containing particles of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. (research papers)
- Nature — “Cross-neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 by a human monoclonal SARS-CoV antibody” (research paper)
- COVID-19 Protein Portal — “Enables UK scientists to share protein reagents relating to SARS-CoV-2. The aim is to accelerate COVID-19 research by providing high quality protein reagents directly to scientists.” (research papers)
On Going SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Projects
- AcceS-Ge CoViD-19 - A Beamline project for accelerated structural genomics on proteins coding for the pathogen responsible for the CoViD-19 in vivo macromolecular crystallography pipeline. It involves a collaboration between the PROXIMA-1 beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron and a few laboratories including the INRAe and the pharmaceutical company SANOFI.
Other Interesting Reads
- ThermoFisher - Article is more a laypersons explanation concerning Cryo-EMs role in determining the structure of SARS-CoV-2 (There is a interesting time line concerning SARS-CoV-2)
- IUCr - The role of structural biology - Visualizing an unseen enemy; mobilizing structural biology to counter COVID-19 (the importance of structural biology)
- Francis Crick Institute - Update on their efforts addressing the COVID-19 outbreak (news)
- IUCr Special Issue Coronaviruses (Spring 2020) - Structural biology's important role in fighting the current COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus. Also contains articles and abstracts on coronaviruses that have been published in IUCr journals. (interesting read)
- Martin Walsh Twitter Thread - Timeline based thread on Twitter concerning the work at Diamond Light Source with SARS-CoV-2 (interesting read)
- Exscalate4CoV Project - E4C aims at leveraging EU’s super computing resources coupling them with some of the continent’s best life-science research labs to counter international pandemics faster and more efficiently additional information (interesting read)
- Article at Cern Courier - Synchrotrons on the coronavirus frontline (interesting read)
- Physics World - COVID-19: how physics is helping the fight against the pandemic (interesting read)
- RIKEN - RIKEN Team Use Supercomputer to Explore the Molecular Dynamics of the New Coronavirus (interesting read)
- ImmunityBio - ImmunityBio Combines Supercomputing Power With Microsoft Azure to Target Infection “Doorway” of the Coronavirus (interesting read)
- EMBL News — “Atudying COVID-19-related molecules by exposing them to high-brilliance X-ray beams” (interesting read)
- COVID19-NMR project — How NMR is being used to search for drugs against COVID19 (interesting read)
- ORNL — Article on how Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s supercomputer is used to mine for COVID-19 connections (interesting read)
- Nature — A timeline COVID-19 responses, and how researchers are using protein visualization for drug/vaccine development (interesting read)
- University of Manchester — “More than 500 scientists in 18 countries to map COVID-19 effects and treatments in patients' blood” (interesting read)
- Coronavirus canSAR — Information on Coronavirus canSAR, a dynamic, AI-driven database for Coronavirus data (news)
- Berkeley Lab — Work that the Berkeley Lab X-ray facility staff are doing to fight COVID-19 (interesting read)
- EMBL News — Ways in which EMBL is supporting structural biology projects to respond to Coronavirus health threats (news)
- Advanced Photon Source — The work that the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National Laboratory) has done for Coronavirus Research (news)
- Hiroaki Mitsuya et al. - A small molecule compound with an indole moiety inhibits the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 and blocks virus replication (news)
Contact Form For Submitting SARS-CoV-2 Resources
If you desire to share resources relevant to researchers and labs working on SARS-CoV-2, use the contact form below to submit those.