Crystallography, Cryo-EM, Cryogenic, and Synchrotron Research Tools

Find the tools you need for your structural biology and material science research. Our tools support techniques including crystallography, cryo-EM (cryo-electron microscopy), beamline - homesource research as well as SAXS. In addition we offer lab equipment such as incubators, cryo storage equipment and more. If you can’t find what you need Contact Us and we’ll help you locate it on our website.

Top Level Categories

  • Crystallography


    Everything you need for crystallization, crystal harvesting, cryocooling, and data collection.

  • Cryo-EM


    Everything a lab needs to prepare grids for cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM, Cryo-ET, MicroED) applications. Grids, Autogrid Rings, Storage Pucks, Plunge Coolers, Tools and accessories for sample handling, cryocooling, and cryostorage.

  • Beamline & Home Source Tools

    Beamline & Home Source Tools

    The tools you need to improve data collection methods at X-ray beamlines and home sources.

  • Lab Equipment & Instruments

    Lab Equipment & Instruments

    Incubators, stereo microscopes, dewars, cryogenic dry shippers, storage refrigerators, plunge coolers, and other laboratory equipment.

  • New Products

    New Products

    Welcome to our new products department. It features the latest products we offer for crystallography, cryo-EM and beamline research.

  • Cryogenic Equipment

    Cryogenic Equipment

    Our selection of cryogenic Dewars, Dry Shippers, Refrigerators, Freezers and other equipment provides you with the reliability required to consistently work at extremely low liquid nitrogen temperatures without fear of sample loss or warming.

  • Microfabrication


    MiTeGen specializes in the microfabrication of photo-definable polymer structures, include small tools, porous membranes, and other devices with precise micrometer-scale dimensions.


  • Crystallography


    Everything you need for crystallization, crystal harvesting, cryocooling, and data collection.

  • Crystallization Plates & Accessories

    Crystallization Plates & Accessories

    Get the crystals you need for data collection. Start by choosing the leading crystallization plates from one of the largest selections available.

  • Crystallography Pucks & Cassettes

    Crystallography Pucks & Cassettes

    Uni-pucks, SPINE Baskets, ALS Pucks, SSRL Cassettes, ACTOR Magazines & More. Pucks and tools for high-throughput and mail-in data collection at nearly every synchrotron around the world.

  • Goniometer Bases (Caps)

    Goniometer Bases (Caps)

    The widest selection of bases to fit the needs of every light source

  • Crystallization Screening & Optimization

    Crystallization Screening & Optimization

    Get more hits and better crystals using these leading crystal screen kits and reagents.

  • Crystal Harvesting

    Crystal Harvesting

    Simplify looping crystals from drops and obtain better diffraction data.

  • Phasing


    The Phasing Section contains carefully selected heavy-atom kits that are suitable for single/multiple isomorphous replacement (SIR and MIR) experiments and anomalous dispersion (SAD and MAD) experiments.

  • Cryocrystallography


    Everything you need for cryo-cooling, cryo-storage, and cryo-transport of your samples.

  • Room Temp Screening

    Room Temp Screening

    The easiest-to-use system for room temperature diffraction screening and data collection.

  • Small Molecule Crystallography

    Small Molecule Crystallography

    Tools for mounting and handling of samples in chemistry, pharmacology, materials science, solid state physics, and geology.

  • Membrane Protein Crystallization

    Membrane Protein Crystallization

    Plates, screens, and tools for the unique challenges for efficient membrane protein crystallization.

  • Serial Crystallography

    Serial Crystallography

    A complete suite of products for routine and crystal-efficient room- and cryo-temperature serial crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELS

  • In Situ Diffraction

    In Situ Diffraction

    Industry leading solutions for in situ screening and diffraction.


Beamline and Homesource

Lab Equipment and Instruments

  • Lab Equipment & Instruments

    Lab Equipment & Instruments

    Incubators, stereo microscopes, dewars, cryogenic dry shippers, storage refrigerators, plunge coolers, and other laboratory equipment.

  • Stereo Microscopes

    Stereo Microscopes

    We've teamed up with Zeiss to offer you the selection of stereo microscopes you need for protein crystallography. Our microscopes provide the higher magnifications you need for the easy detection of small micro-crystals.

  • Incubators


    Find the right incubator for your lab and research. We offer a range of incubators including vibration-free and low-vibration crystallization incubators. We offer a broad selection of sizes, from desktop incubators to large-volume floor-standing incubators. Incubators provide the needed environment for the safe storage and incubation of your samples in a controlled temperature environment.

  • Cryogenic Equipment

    Cryogenic Equipment

    Our selection of cryogenic Dewars, Dry Shippers, Refrigerators, Freezers and other equipment provides you with the reliability required to consistently work at extremely low liquid nitrogen temperatures without fear of sample loss or warming.

  • Plunge Coolers

    Plunge Coolers

    You know how critical plunge cooling is when it comes to your samples. We offer two solutions to help you. First is NANUQ a cryocooling device that cools samples up to 10x faster than hand-plunging techniques. And second, the EMS-200 Rapid Immersion Freezer which is an economical and easy-to-use cryo workstation for preparing samples for electron microscopy.

  • Laboratory Hot Plates

    Laboratory Hot Plates

    Hot plates for all your laboratory needs. Whether you need to heat solids or liquids we have the hot plate for your research.

  • NANUQ™ Hyperquenching Cryocooler

    NANUQ™ Hyperquenching Cryocooler

    Getting the data you need starts with taking control of all of the variables during cryocooling.

Other Categories

  • Fragment Based Drug Design

    Fragment Based Drug Design

    Are you using fragment based drug design in your research? Need tools to support your research? At MiTeGen, we offer a selection of tools to enable your FBDD research.

  • Protein Expression

    Protein Expression

    In the field of recombinant protein production, Jena Bioscience has developed its proprietary LEXSY (Leishmania Expression System) technology. It is based on an S1-classified unicellular organism that combines easy handling with a eukaryotic protein folding and modification machinery. Besides everything you need to establish LEXSY in your lab we also offer custom expression of recombinant proteins.

  • Nucleotides


    Halogenated, Mercurated and Selenium-containing Nucleotides

  • Starter Kits

    Starter Kits

    Convenient kits for your lab. Ideal for training new users.

  • Sample Tracking

    Sample Tracking

    We work to push the boundaries of sample tracking in crystallography and cryo-EM. From CryoRFID to barcoding, know you are collecting data on the right sample.

  • Other


    We offer a range of other laboratory equipment for application-specific sample preparation including a humidity controlled protein crystal harvesting, a glow discharge system for grid preparation in Cryo-EM, and a capillary filling system for powder X-ray diffraction.

  • Accessories


    Accessories for a more efficient lab.

  • Cryo Biology

    Cryo Biology

    Cryobiology tools and instruments for researchers and professionals in assisted reproductive technologies and cell preservation. Find the essential equipment you need for your work with cryopreservation of animal cells, tissues, and gametes.