XP Screen: The Protein Crystal Glue 96 solutions (1.7 ml each)

The XP Screen provides 96 of the most prominent crystallization conditions upgraded with the Anderson−Evans polyoxotungstate [TeW6O24]6− (TEW) at 1 mM final concentration. This additive has proven to promote crystal contacts, improve crystal quality and further provides a valuable anomalous signal for phasing due to 6 tungsten atoms[1].
Optimized for TEW stability, the XP Screen improves crystallization and crystal diffraction quality of challenging targets.

TEW Available Here

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Product Information

The XP Screen provides 96 crystallization conditions upgraded with the Anderson−Evans polyoxotungstate [TeW6O24]6− (TEW) (available here) at 1 mM final concentration. This additive has proven to promote crystal contacts, improve crystal quality and further provides a valuable anomalous signal for phasing due to 6 tungsten atoms.

TEW was shown to:

  • covalently bind and structurally adapt to fit into protein molecules (cgAUS1, PDB code: 4Z12, 4Z13)[2]
  • act as linker in various orientations and thereby create either smaller (abPPO4, PDB code: 4OUA) or larger (lysozyme, PDB code: 4PHI) protein-protein distances[3,4]
  • induce heterogeneous crystallization of two different protein forms in one single crystal (abPPO4, PDB code: 4OUA)[4]

Our new XP Screen contains TEW in 96 of the most prominent crystallization conditions, providing an environment for TEW to improve crystallization and crystal diffraction quality especially for challenging targets.

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