Watershed – Optimized Crystal Harvesting
Prevent loss or damage to the crystals that you’ve spent time growing and optimizing. The Watershed™ system protects drops from drying out during crystals harvesting, ensuring you obtain the best possible diffraction quality. Precisely control the humidity around your crystallization drops whenever you are harvesting crystals.
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Product Information
Simplify your crystal mounting
Watershed™ will simplify your crystal mounting allowing you to get the best possible diffraction which in turn allows you to optimize your crystal harvesting and post-growth treatment protocols. Additional benefits of using Watershed™ are:
- Increase drop working times and prevent dried out drops
- Reduce protein precipitation and degradation
- Harvest more crystals from each drop
- Reduce crystal non-isomorphism
- Used controlled dehydration to improve diffraction
- Use with cover slips, glass slides, crystallization plates, or your home X-ray source
Controlled Humidity Environment
Watershed™ provides a controlled humidity environment for a wide range of common sample preparation tasks, including:
- Separating crystals from each other, from precipitate, and from protein skins that may form over crystallization drops
- Soaking crystals in solutions containing cryoprotectants, heavy atoms or ligands
- Harvesting crystals from drops onto X-ray sample mounts
- Blotting or wicking away excess liquid from crystals to reduce background X-ray scatter and increase sample cooling rates during plunge cooling
- Placing crystals in MiTeGen’s MicroRT capillaries or glass capillaries for room temperature data collection
- Adjusting the hydration of crystals to a desired relative humidity, which may be different from their as-grown relative humidity, to modify protein structure or optimize diffraction properties
Watershed is already used at several facilities
- UCSF Macromolecular Structure Group
- Diamond Light Source XChem Pipeline
- The CUNY ASRC Macromolecular Crystallization Facility
- Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute - University of Buffalo
- Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
- And more!
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