SG2 Crystallization Screen Soluble Proteins

SG2 crystallization screen soluble proteins are a set of 96 conditions that occur with the highest, most non-redundant frequency amongst all PDB deposits. The SG2 screen uses the ShotGun approach to gather the most successful conditions from currently available commercial crystallization screens and improves upon the previous SG1 screen by minimizing conditions that lead to co-crystallization hits.

Learn More About SG2 Crystallization Screen Soluble Proteins Below
SKU: M-MD1-131$753.00
SKU: M-MD1-131-ECO$753.00
SKU: M-MD1-132$276.00
SKU: M-MD1-132-ECO$276.00
SKU: M-MD1-132-FX$42.00

Product Information

  • 96 of the most successful conditions from the PDB
  • Collection of hotspots in crystallization chemical space
  • Provides a great start for easy optimization
  • Save money and time.

The term "shotgun screening" was coined early in the Structural Genomics era and refers to the process of setting up experiments using pre-mixed cocktails of reagents until a crystal of sufficient quality is obtained. The best place to start screening is within the context of previously successful crystallization space, working with the principle of conditions that crystalize the largest number of distinct proteins are assumed to be the most likely to crystalise unknown proteins. “Although only 14% of successful crystallization conditions from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are identical to a commercial condition, almost 40% of the PDB conditions can be obtained by trivial optimization of a commercial cocktail.” (Fazio et al) making commercial screens a sensible choice to commence screening experiments.

Commercial crystallisation screens offer more than 22,000 conditions but some of these conditions have had more success than others. The SG1 (ShotGun 1) Screen, designed by Janet Newman et al (CSIRO, Australia), was composed of the most successful, non-redundant, frequently reported crystallization conditions within the PDB in 2014, and has been highly successful since its introduction.

Since the SG1 screen was comprised of the most successful conditions at that time, it did not take into account similarities within the 96 conditions.

Following the success of the SG1 screen, Gabriel Abrahams and Janet Newman (CSIRO, Australia) have improved and optimised the original Shotgun screen, now producing the SG2 screen. The SG2 screen was developed using an updated data pool, incorporating advances within the PDB and removing conditions that repeatedly lead to co-crystallisation hits. These conditions were replaced with different successful conditions reported in the PDB that occupied a more diverse region of chemical space.