Serial X fixed-target platform (Serial FiX) is designed for high-throughput protein crystallization, crystal observation, crystal transportation and X-ray diffraction data-collection. It is applicable for data collection from single crystals as well as serial crystallography using micro-crystals at a synchrotron radiation. Both cryo and room-temperature experiment are supported.
Serial FiX is used for hanging-drop crystallization and compatible with standard 96-well plates. Alternately, the chips could be used for sample-delivery of crystals obtained by other methods.
Once crystals are obtained on the Serial FiX frame, they could be easily detached to make a single-chip sandwich and clipped on a Serial FiX holder that could be magnetically mounted on a synchrotron goniometer.
Serial FiX casettes are available for packing and shipment of sandwiched chips to overseas synchrotrons at humidifying and room- temperature conditions.
Serial FiX is available in kit forms. There are two kits, these are:
Serial FiX Kit 1 (SKU M-SX-FTAM) - Consists of 5 fully assembled devices with Mylar film, 5 chip holders and 5 magnets.
Serial FiX Kit 2 (SKU M-SX-FTAK) - Consists of 5 fully assembled devices with Kapton film, 5 chip holders and 5 magnets.
Chip Cassette (SKU M-SX-FTC) - Consists of 1 cassette for storage and shipment of sandwiched chips at room- temperature. A maximum of 9 chips can be stored in a cassette.
Tech Tip - Both Mylar and Kapton are widely used in X-ray scattering and diffraction experiments. Mylar gives low background signal compared with Kapton, thus it is recommended that Mylar when high-resolution data is needed.
1. Remove the cover of the adhesive layer on the 96-well screen
and lay it over a smooth surface.
2. Set-up drops (total 1.5 microlitres) in the centre of each
circle of the X-ray transparent film.
3. Flip it carefully over the 96-well plate containing reservoir /
crystallization solution. Press the platform for tight bonding.
Cover the plate with lid.
4. Crystals could be monitored on the frame directly under
the microscope.
5. After crystals appear on the chips, cut them using a scalpel
(along with the adhesive), and sandwich immediately with
complementary chips.
a) Use a bench-top humidifier to prevent drying of samples,
when crystallization might take a long time or solutions
contain volatile reagents.
b) If small number of drops are to be set-up, cut the 96-well
platform into smaller parts. You may store the remaining
platform for further use.
c) For step 5, these chips can be used for loading crystals
obtained by other methods.
6. Store sandwiched chips in a cassette holder (supplied) and
insert it into a 15mL tube containing a pre-soaked cotton or
paper to maintain a humid environment.
7. Take one sandwich chip, and gently press against the Serial X holder. Insert a magnet supplied with the holder. The set-
up is ready to mount on the goniometer for data-collection.
The Serial X Fixed-target Chip - The Serial FiX device is a sample delivery tool designed for static serial crystallography. It is an excellent choice for new users, offering a reliable means to perform high throughput data characterization and diffraction data collection from many microcrystals with a minimum sample consumption.
Flow cells, on the other hand, is a dynamic sample delivery system that enables users to collect data from continuously flowing microcrystals, reducing the risk of radiation damage to an individual sample. These are essential for time-resolved serial crystallography. Moreover, flow cells support X-ray scattering data collection and time-resolved spectroscopic studies, broadening their application across various advanced experimental techniques.
The concept is that users can start with the fixed target device to obtain initial serial crystallography results. If they wish to advance their studies further, they can transition to the flow cells for more advanced capabilities.