Serial X Fixed-Target Chip – Serial FiX

Serial X fixed-target platform (Serial FiX) is designed for high-throughput protein crystallization, crystal observation, crystal transportation and X-ray diffraction data-collection. It is applicable for data collection from single crystals as well as serial crystallography using micro-crystals at a synchrotron radiation. Both cryo and room-temperature experiment are supported.

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SKU: M-SX-FTAM$368.00
SKU: M-SX-FTAK$368.00
SKU: M-SX-FTC$55.00

Product Information

Serial FiX is used for hanging-drop crystallization and compatible with standard 96-well plates. Alternately, the chips could be used for sample-delivery of crystals obtained by other methods.

Once crystals are obtained on the Serial FiX frame, they could be easily detached to make a single-chip sandwich and clipped on a Serial FiX holder that could be magnetically mounted on a synchrotron goniometer.

Serial FiX casettes are available for packing and shipment of sandwiched chips to overseas synchrotrons at humidifying and room- temperature conditions.

Serial FiX is available in kit forms. There are two kits, these are:

Serial FiX Kit 1 (SKU M-SX-FTAM) - Consists of 5 fully assembled devices with Mylar film, 5 chip holders and 5 magnets.

Serial FiX Kit 2 (SKU M-SX-FTAK) - Consists of 5 fully assembled devices with Kapton film, 5 chip holders and 5 magnets.

Chip Cassette (SKU M-SX-FTC) - Consists of 1 cassette for storage and shipment of sandwiched chips at room- temperature. A maximum of 9 chips can be stored in a cassette.

Tech Tip - Both Mylar and Kapton are widely used in X-ray scattering and diffraction experiments. Mylar gives low background signal compared with Kapton, thus it is recommended that Mylar when high-resolution data is needed.

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