Sentinel Watchdog Kit G2 GAGG

Beam stop with X-ray detector provides real-time X-ray beam monitoring and dosing information without interfering with diffraction data collection.

  • Upgraded Scintillator (GAGG) and Housing (Tungsten)
  • Continuously monitor beamline stability.
  • Calibrate X-ray beam intensity.
  • Record intensity during data collection and determine exact sample radiation dose exposure.
  • Micro-sized for minimum shadowing of the diffraction pattern.


SKU: DBSWD-2-G Category:

Product Information


  • (2) GAGG Beamstops – A beamstop with an embedded single-piece GAGG(Ce) crystal, with fiber-optic cable attachment
  • (1) Diode – Cable assembly – Connects the fiber optic cable to the photodiode. Connects the output of the diode to the low-noise BNC cable.
  • (1) Autoranging Picoammeter – Amplifies diode output and provides signal to PC via USB cable. Analog output voltage option available.


Beamstop Length: ~1.25 mm
Beamstop Diameter: ~1.25 mm diameter
Beamstop Material: Tungsten
Scintillator Material: Ce:GAGG (Cerium doped)
Fiber: fiber optic large diameter core glass optical fiber (365 micron core)
Fiber Length: no less than 300mm (custom lengths available)

Diode – Cable Assembly

Input: fiber optic scintillation photons via optical fiber
Output format: Diode current via low-noise BNC terminated cable
Cable length: ~25 cm

Auto-ranging Picoammeter

Input: fiber optic diode current via BNC connector
Output formats:
#1. Current sample values via USB cable
#2. Analog voltage -2V to 2V
Cable length: ~25 cm.

For any questions about MiTeGen Sentinel™ products please call +1 607 266 8877 or email

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