Improved Crystallization Screening
- Increase hit rates with controlled kinetics
- Safely ship crystals in the plate
- Collect XRD data without harvesting
- Features:
- Low profile, 96 Well, SBS Format
- Reservoir retention prevents contact with drops
- Sitting OR Hanging Drop (simply flip the plate)
- Drop setting & imaging robot compatible
- 35 µl reservior, multiple drops 0.2–2 µl
The In Situ‐1™ plate enables crystallography researchers to easily grow, transport and screen crystals of their targets. The advanced features of the thin-film plate, many of which have never before been seen in a crystallization plate, allow for samples to be easily grown with more reproducible conditions, safely shipped to a location for data collection, and sub-sequentially studied via X-ray diffraction in situ. Researchers can then learn about the inherent quality of their crystal samples without having to manipulate, or manually retrieve them, which can often cause undesired changes or damage to the samples

1. Thin COC Film
A thin COC film gives you excellent transparency for better diffraction data when using either X–ray or UV light. Compare the following to see the difference:  |
2. Micro–channels
- Allow vapor evaporation between reservoir and protein wells
- Strongly inhibits fluid transfer between protein and reservoir wells
- Plates can be rotated to any orientation without liquid transfer out of the reservoir
3. Micro–ledges
The reservoir wells contain special ledges that:
- Force fluid into the reservoir, ensuring uniform well–filling for larger reservoir volumes in a low profile plate
- Keep fluid away from your top sealing film
- More fluid in a shorter reservoir
- Inhibits transfer out of the reservoir well during rough handling and tipping
The dual–action of the micro–channels and micro–ledges makes In Situ–1 plates capable of being shipped long distance with no cross–contamination of fluid from the reservoirs to the protein growth areas.

Populated plates shipped via Fedex from Ithaca, New York to Adelaide, Australia showed no cross–contamination of fluid from the reservoirs to the protein growth areas
The inhibition of cross–contamination between the reservoirs allows In Situ–1 plates to be used with the sitting drop or hanging drop method of protein crystallization.

Download the information sheet from below:
In-Situ-01™ Crystallization Plate Info
For additional questions please call +1 607 266 877 or email
Tech Drawings

Viewing Angles #1

Viewing Angles #2
Looking for Robot drop setting files or plate schematics? Contact us here!
Want to use the Situ-1 Crystallization Plates with the Mosquito robot?
You may wish to take a look at the following paper:
Crystallization and In Situ Room Temperature Data Collection Using the Crystallization Facility at Harwell and Beamline VMXi, Diamond Light Source
You can use Ctrl+F to search for ‘In Situ-1’ to see all the instances in which they describe and instruct usage of the In Situ-1 Plates with the Mosquito Robot.
Guide yourself to Figure 2, which shows images of how the Mosquito interface appears in each step of setting up use with the In Situ-1 crystallization plates. Here’s a direct link to the image. We recommend you still look at Figure 2 in the article, as each step is described there. You can follow the instructions located in Figure 2 to complete the process.
If you’re still struggling to set up the Mosquito with the In Situ-1 Plates, or if you have other questions that require assistance, please let us know. Use the contact form to the right.