Grid Stick Kit For Multi Grid Staining

The Grid Stick kit is a helpful device for multi grid staining. If instructions are followed carefully you can say good-bye to precipitate and dirt. The Grid Stick is made from a thin, but rigid alloy that does not react with commonly used organic solvents or stains. The stick itself measures 4 mm wide, 75 mm long and has a slot along its center with small undercut notches on one side to make grid removal simple. A small area on the top of each stick is reserved for identification.

The Grid Stick is coated with a specially-formulated pressure- sensitive adhesive. This adhesive is resistant to solvents used in conventional staining methods (e.g., water, alcohol, ethanol) and aggressively holds the grids in place during staining, emulsion coating, carbon coating, shadow casting, serial section collection, etc., yet will not remain on the grid once it is removed from the stick. During staining the grids are held in the same plane as the solution flow, minimizing the risk of breaking the formvar film and, or collecting surface debris.

Grids may be stored, handled, and examined with minimal effort. For example, if your grids are on SynapTek Grid Sticks you can simply place the stick on the stage of a phase microscope, identify the material (you will see outlines of large cells), and determine its condition (i.e., holes in material, dirt on grids) in only a few seconds without disturbing a single grid. In short, you will find that the SynapTek Grid Stick is simple, easy to use, and most importantly, highly reliable.
SynapTek Grid-Stick consists of

  • 5 coated Grid Sticks
  • 10 Staining Pipettes (modified)
  • 2 flow-limiting Plugs and Bulbs
  • Instructions set


SKU: M-CEM-71175 Category: