
Everything you need for crystallization, crystal harvesting, cryocooling, and data collection.

  • Crystallography Instrumentation

    Crystallography Instrumentation

    Instrumentation for crystallography research. Includes microscopes, humidification devices, plunge coolers, incubators and much.

  • Crystallization Screening & Optimization

    Crystallization Screening & Optimization

    Get more hits and better crystals using these leading crystal screen kits and reagents.

  • Crystallization Plates & Accessories

    Crystallization Plates & Accessories

    Get the crystals you need for data collection. Start by choosing the leading crystallization plates from one of the largest selections available.

  • Crystal Harvesting

    Crystal Harvesting

    Simplify looping crystals from drops and obtain better diffraction data.

  • Crystallography Pucks & Cassettes

    Crystallography Pucks & Cassettes

    Uni-pucks, SPINE Baskets, ALS Pucks, SSRL Cassettes, ACTOR Magazines & More. Pucks and tools for high-throughput and mail-in data collection at nearly every synchrotron around the world.

  • Cryocrystallography


    Everything you need for cryo-cooling, cryo-storage, and cryo-transport of your samples.

  • High Pressure Crystallography

    High Pressure Crystallography

    Tools for use in high pressure crystallography research.

  • Serial Crystallography

    Serial Crystallography

    A complete suite of products for routine and crystal-efficient room- and cryo-temperature serial crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELS

  • Goniometer Bases (Caps)

    Goniometer Bases (Caps)

    The widest selection of bases to fit the needs of every light source

  • Room Temp Screening

    Room Temp Screening

    The easiest-to-use system for room temperature diffraction screening and data collection.

  • Phasing


    The Phasing Section contains carefully selected heavy-atom kits that are suitable for single/multiple isomorphous replacement (SIR and MIR) experiments and anomalous dispersion (SAD and MAD) experiments.

  • Membrane Protein Crystallization

    Membrane Protein Crystallization

    Plates, screens, and tools for the unique challenges for efficient membrane protein crystallization.