Everything you need for crystallization, crystal harvesting, cryocooling, and data collection.
Crystallography Instrumentation
Instrumentation for crystallography research. Includes microscopes, humidification devices, plunge coolers, incubators and much.
Crystallization Screening & Optimization
Get more hits and better crystals using these leading crystal screen kits and reagents.
Crystallization Plates & Accessories
Get the crystals you need for data collection. Start by choosing the leading crystallization plates from one of the largest selections available.
Crystal Harvesting
Simplify looping crystals from drops and obtain better diffraction data.
Crystallography Pucks & Cassettes
Uni-pucks, SPINE Baskets, ALS Pucks, SSRL Cassettes, ACTOR Magazines & More. Pucks and tools for high-throughput and mail-in data collection at nearly every synchrotron around the world.
Everything you need for cryo-cooling, cryo-storage, and cryo-transport of your samples.
High Pressure Crystallography
Tools for use in high pressure crystallography research.
Serial Crystallography
A complete suite of products for routine and crystal-efficient room- and cryo-temperature serial crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELS
Goniometer Bases (Caps)
The widest selection of bases to fit the needs of every light source
Room Temp Screening
The easiest-to-use system for room temperature diffraction screening and data collection.
The Phasing Section contains carefully selected heavy-atom kits that are suitable for single/multiple isomorphous replacement (SIR and MIR) experiments and anomalous dispersion (SAD and MAD) experiments.
Membrane Protein Crystallization
Plates, screens, and tools for the unique challenges for efficient membrane protein crystallization.