Everything you need for cryo-cooling, cryo-storage, and cryo-transport of your samples.
Showing all 42 results
Clear Acrylic 45-Well Microtube Holder for 1.5ml Microtubes
Optimize your lab workflow with the MiTeGen™ Clear Acrylic 45-Well Microtube Holder for 1.5ml microtubes.... -
Custom Designed Foam Dewar
Need a custom designed foam dewar? We can design and manufacture foam dewars to your specifications. We’ve... -
TW35-10 Cryogenic Freezer
The IC Biomedical TW Series LN2 freezers are used in laboratory, biorepository and other research applications... -
CX100 Cryo Express Dry Shipper
The CX-100 Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” is designed to safely transport a variety of materials at... -
CXR100 Cryo Express Dry Shipper with Replaceable Adsorbent Material
The CXR-100 Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” is designed to safely transport a variety of materials at... -
CXR500 Cryo Express Dry Shipper
The CXR-500 Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” is designed to safely transport a variety of materials at... -
TW34 Cryogenic Freezer
The IC Biomedical TW-34 LN2 freezer is used in laboratory, biorepository and other research applications for... -
Crystallography Sample Supports System
Crystallography Sample Supports will be a next-generation crystal mounting system that changes how crystals... -
Universal Pucks (UniPucks) and Tools
Universal Pucks (Unipucks) and Tools. Ask Question/Request Quote -
Universal V1-Puck (Uni-Puck)
The Universal V1-Puck (Unipuck) is a sample pin storage and shipping container compatible with many automated... -
UniPuck Barcode Option
Add a barcode to your Unipuck, for use at facilities such as Diamond Light Source or Swiss Light Source.... -
Custom Engraving of UniPucks
UniPucks come standard with engraved serialization from the factory (e.g. CPS-0583). Alternatively if... -
SPINE Pucks (SC3 Baskets)
These pucks can be loaded with 10 frozen samples mounted on SPINE format holders. Each puck is identified by... -
SPINE Puck (SC3 Basket) Starter Kit
These pucks can be loaded with 10 frozen samples mounted on SPINE format holders. Each puck is identified by... -
Universal Puck Custom Color Puck Option
Get your Universal Pucks in a series of unique colors. Help identify which puck you are working with.... -
Cryogenic Refrigerators, Dewars and Shippers
Refrigerators, Dewars and shippers for cryogenic sample storage and transport, from ICBiomedcial. -
Dry Shippers (CX100, CXR100, CXR500)
Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” are designed to safely transport a variety of materials at cryogenic... -
Cryo Storage and Refrigerators HC Series
The High Capacity (HC) Series of cryogenic refrigerators is designed for long-term storage of biological... -
TW35-6 Cryogenic Freezer
The IC Biomedical TW Series LN2 freezers are used in laboratory, biorepository and other research applications... -
XT10 Extended Time Cryogenic Refrigerator 10 Liter
The XT10 extended time cryogenic refrigerator is designed for long-term storage of a variety of materials at... -
XT20 Extended Time Cryogenic Refrigerator 20 Liter
The XT20 extended time cryogenic refrigerator is designed for long-term storage of a variety of materials at... -
LD4 Liquid Dewar 4 Liters
The LD4 4 liter liquid dewar is designed for storing and dispensing small amounts of liquid nitrogen. The LD4... -
LD25 Liquid Dewar 25 liters
The LD25 25 liter liquid dewar is designed for storing and dispensing small amounts of liquid nitrogen. The... -
Bent Cryo Tongs (for puck manipulation)
Bent Cryo Tongs are ideal for puck manipulation. These tongs work with Unipucks, Cryo-EM pucks, Combi-pucks,... -
Crystal Mounts and Loops
Simplify crystal harvesting, and obtain the best possible data from your crystals, using the most advanced... -
Spearlab Foam Dewars
Durable, safe, well-insulated foam Dewars provide superior performance compared with conventional glass... -
SPINE Puck Transfer Tool for transfer of SPINE sample holders
This tool is designed to help loading and unloading SPINE pucks with vials and sample holders.It is intended... -
ACTOR Magazines (Pucks) and Tool Set
ACTOR Magazines (Pucks) and Tool Set contains all the pucks and related tools for use with Rigaku’s... -
ALS Style Pucks and Tools
ALS-style pucks and tools for remote data collection at select beamlines around the world. See our beamline... -
Apiezon N Cryogenic Vacuum grease
Silicon-Free and Halogen-Free cryogenic vacuum grease that is widely recommended and recognized as the grease... -
Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease
Dow Corning® High Vacuum Grease the standard sealant for 24-well crystallization plate setups using cover... -
Cryo Shipping Dry Shippers and Cases (CX and CXR Series)
Cryo Express (CX) “dry shippers” are designed to safely transport a variety of materials at cryogenic... -
CryoVial Tongs
Safely and securely grasp and position CryoVials Full Description -
Magnetic CryoVials
CryoVials help keep your sample cold during transfer from a dewar to a cold gas stream. They also provide... -
Magnetic Wand with Rubber Grips
Improved magnetic wand for handling goniometer bases (caps) and loops for cryocrystallography. The addition of... -
Quick Puck Loader
Loading crystal mounted pins into a Rigaku Puck can be a time consuming process with great potential for... -
S-Hook Cane Storage Adapter
Easily store shelved puck shipping canes (M-CP-111-065) in standard storage dewars like the TW34, TW35-6,... -
Silicone Oil
DC200 Silicone Oil, 25 ml Silicone oil for Under Oil Crystallization Plates. Adequate for 10 Plates. -
LV CryoOil
Mitegen’s LV CryoOil™ has the lowest viscosity of any available perfluoropolyether oil and a very low... -
NVH Oil 4 oz Bottle
NVH Oil is a very high viscosity oil that is suitable for room and variable-temperature diffraction...