Streamline your crystal harvesting with this collection of tips
How you handle and mount your crystals has a large impact on the quality of the data you can obtain from them. Our new Harvesting Tips poster lays out simple techniques to efficiently harvest all kinds of crystals. It features a clean design, plain language, and visual examples that even undergraduates can understand.
Tip: Needle Crystal |
Tip: MicroTools |
Controlled in–meso (CIMP) Method
The CIMP method combines the advantages of vapor–diffusion method with batch meso phase crystallization. For more information, see “Controlled In Meso Phase Crystallization – A Method for the Structural Investigation of Membrane Proteins”
- Combines LCP with vapor diffusion to increase success rate
- Fully automatable method, compatible with any nanoliter robot
- Requires low protein concentrations (2-5 mg/ml)

A new company offering gene–to–structure services and everything in between!
HarkerBIO offers a comprehensive list of crystallography services out of the Hauptman-Woodward Institute in Buffalo, NY. Their Adaptive Surface Alphabet is a proprietary technique for rationtal protein engineering to promote crystallization. Through rational, conservative and highly selective mutagenesis, difficult to crystallize targets are frequently coerced into diffraction-quality crystals, amenable to serial crystallography efforts (e.g. iterative ligand soaking, fragment based crystallography, etc.).
Interested in learning more about what HarkerBIO can do for your lab?
Follow @MiTeGen on Twitter for more X–ray crystallography links
Lawrence Berkeley and MiTeGen announce Diode Beam Stop agreement
A tool developed at the Lawrence Berkely National Lab to monitor X–ray beam intensity in real–time will be brought to market by MiTeGen.
The technology was developed by Diane Bryant and Simon Morton at the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology at Berkeley Lab. It will allow for optimized experiments for studying the structure of proteins.
“The work done by the team at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has resulted in a great tool for monitoring X–ray diffraction experiments. The diode beam stop device will enable researchers to obtain real–time information about the intensity of the X–rays hitting their samples. We here at MiTeGen are very excited to bring this enabling technology to the marketplace and help push research forward.”
Cause of weak TB drugs revealed through structural imaging of interaction
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have utilized X–ray crystallography to determine the nature of the interaction between an enzyme in turbuculosis and a family of drugs called fluoroquinolones that target the enzyme. The findings suggest possibilities for developing new version of fluoroquinolones in the struggle against mult-drug resistant TB.
Moxifloxacin (green) interacts with the enzyme gyrase (blues and pinks) and broken DNA (orange and yellow) of the bacterium that causes TB. Credit: Tim Blower
Cause of deaths in phase 1 trial of modified T-cell therapy determined
X–ray crystallography was used to determine inadvertant interaction between modified T–cells and healthy heart tissue rather than cancer tissue.
Image: Differences at the contact interface between MAG-IC3 binding to A1-MAGE-A3 versus A1-Titin. Source
Having the right equipment for your lab is key
To help make certain you have all of the tools needed to maintain a successful crystallography lab, we have continued to expand our offerings. From crystallization plates to pucks, we have what you need for your lab. Below are a couple of the areas where we’ve made additions.
Because Your Crystallization Plate Can Do More
- Improve your crystallization hit rates
- See crystals clearly with greater optical, UV, and X–ray transparency
- Transport your samples safely to the synchrotron
- Learn about the quality of crystals before harvesting
MiTeGen products have been used in hundreds of scholarly articles this year:
Crystallographic evidence for Β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexation facilitating the improvement of antioxidant activity of tea (+)-catechin and (−)-epicatechin
Carbohydrate Polymers Thammarat Aree, Suchada JongrungruangchokWeb, Science Direct, (2015). Print, Carbohydrate Polymers, (2016). MiTeGen MicroMounts™
Novel phenazine crystals enable direct electron transfer to methanogens in anaerobic digestion by redox potential modulation
Energy Environ. Sci Sabrina Beckmann, et al.Web, Royal Society of Chemistry, (2015). Print, Energy Environ. Sci. (2016) MiTeGen MicroMounts™
If you have solved a structure using MiTeGen products and would like to be featured in our newsletter, drop us a line!