Mount Selection Guide
It takes a lot of work to grow great crystals. To be certain you are getting the best possible data, choose the right loop. Need help choosing? Contact Us
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Dual-Thickness MicroMounts™ General purpose mount with wicking aperture; for low background X-ray scatter from medium to small crystals. Available in 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200 μm aperture sizes

Dual-Thickness MicroLoops LD™
Long narrow neck for easy harvesting with low drop disturbance. Great for medium to small crystals and small drops. Available in 20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, and 300 μm aperture sizes

Dual-Thickness MicroLoops™
General purpose, robust, sample mounts for easy harvesting of medium to large crystals. Available in 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800 and 1000 μm aperture sizes

MicroLoops E™
Special purpose elliptical apertures for rod and needle shaped crystals. Small fingers span the aperture to provide delicate crystals with gentle support.

Dual-Thickness MicroCrystal Mounts™
Special purpose Ultra-thin membrane for easier visualization and ultra-low background X-ray scatter, for use with very small crystals. Available in a variety of aperture styles

Special purpose mesh apertures for mounting multiple small crystals for serial crystallography. Also great for delicate plate and rod crystals. Available in a variety of aperture styles

Special purpose, gentle support for thin plate-like samples and gripping action for robust samples. Available in a variety of aperture styles

UV-Vis Mounts™
Ultra Clear UV Transparent thin film mounts for crystallography and spectroscopy. Available in 3 aperture styles.
Additional Crystal Harvesting Information and Tools
Impact of Crystal Mounting Method - Video
In crystallography, labs often send hundreds of crystals off for data collection. Many crystals simply do not provide the data quality necessary to solve structures.
Why do so many crystals diffract poorly? Learn more in the video
Watershed™ - Prevent Drops from Drying Out
Once a crystallization drop gets opened, it can begin to dry out immediately. This can damage crystals, preventing you from getting the best crystals with the best quality.
Learn how to prevent drops from drying, harvest more crystals, and get better data.
Free Lab Posters - Harvesting and Cryoprotecting Tips
Get your lab a free set of lab posters with our expert tips on improving crystal harvesting, cryoprotection and more.
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