Administrative Supplements for Equipment Purchases from NIGMS
NIGMS Open Call:
One-time applications to receive Administrative Supplements for Equipment Purchases for NIGMS-funded R01, R35, and R37 awards are now being accepted.
Deadline for application: April 8th - The deadline for 2021 has passed, but contact us to be notified when the 2022 version of this grant becomes available.
Application requirements are minimal and not time consuming with only 2 pages of the Research Strategy including a summary or an abstract of the funded parent award and the scientific justification for the requested equipment.
Learn more about Administrative Supplements for Equipment Purchases for NIGMS-funded R01, R35, and R37 awards
For interested applicants MiTeGen is offering a unique opportunity to acquire NANUQ™ - an Optimal Crystal Cryo-Cooling Device.
The NANUQ, as used by customers like UCSF, can help your lab:
- Solve structures faster by getting the best diffraction from the crystals you have
- Improve your research by eliminating variability that limits your diffraction resolution
- Automate your crystal cryocooling and puck filling, preventing lost crystals or icy loops
- Standardize practices in your lab so everyone can get great results
Learn More About NANUQ

Contact us!
We can assist you with details to streamline submission of your application. Please provide us your contact information and we will get back to you with more information.